
the inside scoop on all things skin
Spring Skin Care

Spring Skin Care

With the amazing weather we’ve been having it’s important to adjust your skin care routine to keep your skin healthy and protected. When it’s sunny and hot we recommend focusing on using a good cleanser followed by a protective antioxidant, and finishing up with...

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April is Rosacea Awareness Month

April is Rosacea Awareness Month

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that affects the face. In the early stages it causes easy flushing or blushing and as it progresses the redness may become permanent as the small blood vessels of the face dilate. It can also include small, red, acne-like bumps or pustules. And though it looks like a bad case of acne, it’s actually a chronic illness that alternates between flare-ups and remissions at intervals of a few weeks to a few months. The cause of rosacea is unknown and if it’s not treated it tends to get worse over time.

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A Little Love For Your Lips!

A Little Love For Your Lips!

Vitamin Therapy For Your Lips with ZO LipRebuild - smooth out the lines and bring back the redness! According to Dr. Zein Obagi: "The skin of the lips is very thin and gets constant exposure, making them more susceptible to the signs of aging. We use potent Retinol in...

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Cleanse Away The Old and Bring in The New

Cleanse Away The Old and Bring in The New

This year don't get overwhelmed with New Year's resolutions that are too daunting and will only be forgotten by February. Instead, why not try some baby steps? At La Derma, we are always talking about the importance of daily at home skin care using products that...

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Botox & Fillers – What’s the difference?

Botox & Fillers – What’s the difference?

This is a question we get asked at least once a day so we thought we'd discuss the difference in this month's newsletter. Botox Cosmetic is a brand of neuromodulators (other brands include Xeomin or Dysport) and is one of the most familiar ways to smooth out wrinkles....

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Slow Down Aging With Dermal Fillers

Slow Down Aging With Dermal Fillers

None of us can avoid the aging process, however, all of us can take advantage of the many options available that help us maintain our youthful appearance and age gracefully. Like liquid magic, so to speak, Dermal Fillers are one such option. Typically, a gel very...

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Start Now for Holiday-Ready Skin this Winter!

Start Now for Holiday-Ready Skin this Winter!

  September's here! We're all back in full swing!  NOW is the time to book your Laser skin treatments. For many of you with left over tans or minimal time to devote to Laser skin treatments,  a fresh new option is available at La Derma! ZO Chemical Peels....and...

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This One’s For Dad!

This One’s For Dad!

It's time to celebrate all the wonderful Dads in our lives! (Sunday, June 21st) Many of you often say to us: "My husband, partner, significant other...etc.  would love one of these treatments; if only I could get him here!" This Father's Day we've decided to give Dad ...

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Lip Minis Are Here!

Lip Minis Are Here!

Lip Enhancement Vancouver You've heard about lip enhancement, even thought about trying it but haven't been ready to take the plunge? If only you could try just a small amount to see what your lips would look like without investing too much time or money? So many of...

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A New Year, A Younger You!

A New Year, A Younger You!

There are many ways to minimize the tired and freshen up your look. At La Derma, one of our favourite, virtually instant ways to achieve this, is with a non-surgical lift approach. As we age our faces slowly undergo the 3 D's of aging: Deterioration, Descent and...

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Everything You Need to Know About Dermal Fillers

Everything You Need to Know About Dermal Fillers

That irresistible plumpness, vibrancy and abundance of a child's face melts away over the many years of our lives. As our faces lengthen, we look more mature ... and as we age even more, we lose so much volume of facial muscle, fat, bone and tissue that the overlying...

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Peptides and Your Skin

Peptides and Your Skin

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your skin, existing as fibers that weave together to give your skin support and thickness. When collagen fibers diminish, you get wrinkled, thinned, aging skin. Peptides are short chains of amino acids that act on collagen in a...

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