Laser Therapy Vancouver
Is the laser practitioner you are entrusting your skin to willing to refer you to another practitioner who has a different device that may be better suited to your particular issue?
With the allure of a profitable business venture, almost anyone with enough cash can buy a cheap laser on the used market, hire a technician with a weekend certificate and fire away on your skin!
And with all the Living Social Coupons and Groupons out there – this has become a very serious issue.
The risk at the low end, is paying for treatments and not seeing results and at the high end, it’s potentially having scars from being burnt.
This could happen, and is not limited to, the practitioner being unqualified, not careful, using poor equipment or poor judgement, didn’t understand your skin type, your health condition or the medications and /or supplements you are taking.
Lasers are incredible devices and when used properly and in experienced, knowledgeable hands, they can help halt or turn back the clock on aging skin.
Shopping around for the right place to have laser treatments performed, however, should not be about the price, but rather about the quality of the treatment, the standard of maintenance on the equipment and the expertise of the practitioner.
One of my favourite sayings is from a dear friend and colleague: “shop for your shoes, not your face!”
La Derma Medical Aesthetics – Helen Taraviras Zambus, RN